Recording (coming soon)

Record your music with pristine quality in a professional recording environment designed for solo artists, bands, and creative projects. Whether you're looking to lay down a single track or a full album, we have the tools, expertise, and space to bring your vision to life.

Our Recording Services

1. Solo Artists

From vocals to acoustic instruments, our studio is equipped to highlight the unique character of your sound. We offer a variety of tools and techniques to capture the depth and emotion of your performance with precision and clarity.

2. Bands

Whether you’re tracking drums, guitars, or a full live band, our studio can handle the complexity of group recordings. With spacious rooms, high-quality microphones, and professional engineers, we ensure every instrument shines in the mix.

Microphone List

Our diverse collection of microphones ensures we have the perfect mic for any instrument or vocal performance:

  • Neumann U87
  • Sennheiser MKH 416
  • AKG C414 XLII
  • Shure SM7B
  • Shure Beta 52A
  • Royer R-121 Ribbon Microphones
  • Audio-Technica AT4050
  • Blue Bottle Studio Microphone
  • Telefunken U47
  • Coles 4038 Ribbon Microphones
  • Earthworks Drum Mics

Instrument List

We provide a range of high-quality instruments for your recording needs, including:

  • Fender American Stratocaster
  • Gibson Les Paul and SG Guitars
  • Martin D-28 Acoustic Guitar
  • Fender Jazz Bass and Precision Bass
  • Ludwig Classic Maple Drum Kit
  • Yamaha Grand Piano
  • Nord Stage 3 Keyboard
  • Vintage Hammond B3 Organ with Leslie Speaker
  • Various percussion instruments (tambourines, shakers, bongos)

Vast Plugin and Sample Library

In addition to live recording, we offer access to thousands of high-end plugins and an extensive sample library, including sounds from leading brands like Spitfire Audio and Native Instruments. From adding lush textures to creative sound design, our library opens up endless possibilities for your music.

Why Choose Us?

With industry-standard equipment, an expertly designed studio, and a dedication to capturing the essence of your performance, we provide a recording experience that is second to none. Whether you’re a solo artist or a full band, we’re here to make your music sound its absolute best.

Contact Us for Recording Services